SECTION 8 || MICRO-FINANCE COMPANY || What is Section 8 Micro Finance Company || How Section 8 Micro Finance Company is working for Society ||
A Section 8 microfinance company is a special type of non-profit organization in India. It helps people who don't have access to regular banks by providing them with small loans and savings options. These services are especially for those who have low incomes and are starting small businesses. The company operates under Section 8 of the Companies Act, which means it has a specific legal status as a non-profit entity. Its main goal is to support and empower individuals and micro-entrepreneurs who are often left out of the traditional banking system. By offering financial services like loans

and savings accounts, the Section 8 microfinance company aims to help these individuals improve their financial situation and build a better future for themselves and their families.
Let's say there is a Section 8 microfinance company called "Empower Microfinance" operating in a rural village in India. The company's mission is to provide financial services and support to low-income individuals and micro-entrepreneurs in the community.
Mrs Gupta, a resident of the village, has a small tailoring business but lacks the funds to buy a new sewing machine, which would help her increase productivity and income. However, she doesn't have access to traditional banks as she doesn't meet their criteria.
Mrs Gupta hears about Empower Microfinance and decides to approach them for assistance. She visits their local office and explains her situation. The team at Empower Microfinance carefully assesses her business, financial capabilities, and repayment capacity.
After evaluating Mrs Gupta's case, Empower Microfinance approves her loan application. They provide her with a small loan amount that she can use to purchase the sewing machine. Along with the loan, Empower Microfinance offers financial literacy training to Mrs Gupta, helping her understand concepts like interest rates, loan repayment, and effective financial management.
With the new sewing machine, Mrs Gupta's productivity improves, and she is able to take on more orders and increase her income. She repays her loan in affordable instalments over time. As she successfully repays the loan, her creditworthiness improves, and she becomes eligible for larger loan amounts in the future.
Through the support of Empower Microfinance, Mrs Gupta's business grows, and she can better support her family and contribute to the local economy. Empower Microfinance continues to provide financial services, support, and guidance to other individuals and micro-entrepreneurs in the community, helping them overcome financial obstacles and improve their lives.
Section 8 Microfinance companies play a crucial role in promoting financial inclusion, supporting small businesses, and improving livelihoods. They focus on empowering marginalized communities, women, and rural populations by providing not just financial assistance but also financial literacy and capacity-building programs.
Main Features of Section-8 Microfinance Company
1. RBI approval is not required.
2. No minimum capital requirement of Rs. 5 Crores.
3. Minimal compliance obligations.
4. Unsecured loans up to Rs. 50,000 for small businesses.
5. Loans for dwelling residences up to Rs. 1.25 lakhs.
6. Follows RBI guidelines on interest rates and processing charges.
7. Legal recourse for non-payment of loans.
8. Exempted from Sections 45-IA, 45-IB, and 45-IC of the RBI Act.
9. Engaged in microfinance activities, providing credit for business and housing.
10. Licensed under Section 25 of the Companies Act, not accepting public deposits.
Advantages of Section 8 Microfinance Companies:
1. Financial Inclusion: Section 8 microfinance companies promote financial inclusion by providing access to financial services for individuals and micro-entrepreneurs who are excluded from traditional banking systems.
2. Poverty Alleviation: By offering small loans and savings facilities, these companies help individuals start or expand businesses, generate income, and improve their economic well-being, contributing to poverty reduction.
3 Empowerment and Social Impact: Microfinance empowers marginalized communities, women, and rural populations by offering not just financial assistance but also financial literacy and capacity-building programs, enabling them to make informed financial decisions.
4. Local Economic Growth: Microfinance stimulates local economies by supporting small businesses, creating employment opportunities, and fostering entrepreneurship, which in turn contributes to overall economic growth.
5. Sustainable Approach: Section 8 microfinance companies reinvest their surplus funds into their social objectives, ensuring the sustainability and long-term impact of their activities.
Disadvantages of Section 8 Microfinance Companies:
1. High-Interest Rates: Some microfinance institutions may charge relatively high interest rates to cover operational costs and mitigate the risks associated with lending to individuals with limited credit history.
2. Over-indebtedness: Inadequate financial literacy and limited understanding of loan terms and conditions can lead borrowers to take on excessive debt, potentially leading to over-indebtedness and financial distress.
3. Vulnerability of Borrowers: Microfinance primarily serves vulnerable populations, and economic shocks or external factors beyond their control can affect their ability to repay loans, posing risks for both borrowers and microfinance institutions.
4. Operational Challenges: Microfinance institutions often face operational challenges, including limited resources, difficulties in loan recovery, and ensuring efficient delivery of financial services in remote or underserved areas.
5. Regulatory Compliance: Microfinance companies must navigate and comply with regulatory frameworks, including reporting requirements, capital adequacy ratios, and consumer protection guidelines, which can impose additional costs and administrative burdens.
Compliance in India:
Section 8 microfinance companies in India must comply with the regulations outlined in the Companies Act, 2013. They are required to meet specific criteria related to their non-profit status, social objectives, and utilization of surplus funds. Additionally, they must adhere to applicable regulations and guidelines issued by regulatory authorities, such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
(Due to continuous changes in the compliance steps are not mentioned here please fill out the form to get assistance from our professional)
Tax Benefits:
As non-profit entities, Section 8 microfinance companies enjoy certain tax benefits in India. They may be eligible for exemptions or deductions on income tax, subject to compliance with relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Incorporation Process:
The incorporation process of a Section 8 microfinance company involves registering as a non-profit organization under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. It requires submitting necessary documents, such as a memorandum of association, articles of association, and a declaration of the organization's objectives and proposed activities.
Who can convert it into a microfinance company?
Any existing company, including a for-profit entity, can convert itself into a Section 8 microfinance company by fulfilling the necessary legal requirements and obtaining approval from the relevant authorities. But due to MCA Circular Now Roc is more vigilance toward conversion into a Section 8 Company and Incorporation of a Microfinance company.
Microfinance Companies in the USA and Singapore:
Microfinance Companies in the USA:
Legal Structures:
1. Non-Profit Organizations: Many microfinance institutions in the USA operate as non-profit organizations, emphasizing their mission to address financial inclusion and support underserved communities.
2. Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs): CDFIs are specialized financial institutions that provide financial services to low-income individuals and communities, including microfinance.
3. Social Purpose Corporations (SPCs): Some microfinance companies in the USA adopt the legal structure of SPCs, which allows them to pursue social objectives while balancing the financial interests of stakeholders.
Regulatory Framework:
1. Community Reinvestment Act (CRA): The CRA encourages financial institutions to meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low-income and underserved populations.
2. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): The CFPB is responsible for enforcing federal consumer financial laws and regulations, ensuring fair practices in lending and consumer protection.
Microfinance Companies in Singapore:
Legal Structures:
1. Non-Profit Organizations: Several microfinance institutions in Singapore operate as non-profit organizations, emphasizing their social mission to provide financial services to low-income individuals and marginalized communities.
2. Specialized Financial Institutions: Singapore has specialized financial institutions, such as microfinance institutions, that focus on serving specific target groups or sectors, including small businesses and low-income individuals.
Regulatory Framework:
1. Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS): The MAS regulates financial institutions in Singapore, including microfinance providers. It sets guidelines and requirements for licensing, capital adequacy, risk management, and consumer protection.
2. Companies Act: Microfinance companies in Singapore must comply with the provisions of the Companies Act, which outlines the legal and operational requirements for companies operating in the country.
Here is a table summarizing the key characteristics of microfinance companies in the USA and Singapore:
Legal Structures | Non-Profit Organizations, CDFIs, SPCs | Non-Profit Organizations, Specialized Financial Institutions |
Regulatory Frameworks | Community Reinvestment Act, CFPB | Monetary Authority of Singapore, Companies Act |
Focus Areas | Financial inclusion, Community development | Financial inclusion, Targeted sectors (e.g., small businesses) |
Yes, a Section 8 microfinance company in India can potentially
take a loan from a foreign company or entity, subject to compliance with the applicable regulations and guidelines. However, there are certain factors and considerations involved in such cases:
1. Regulatory Framework: Microfinance companies in India, including Section 8 companies, must comply with the regulations set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and other relevant authorities. The RBI regulates foreign borrowings and sets guidelines for external commercial borrowings (ECBs).
2. Eligibility Criteria: The microfinance company must meet the eligibility criteria specified by the RBI for foreign borrowings. This includes factors such as creditworthiness, compliance with prudential norms, and adherence to the end-use restrictions on borrowed funds.
3. Reporting and Documentation: The microfinance company is required to comply with reporting and documentation requirements set by the RBI fo
r foreign borrowings. This includes filing necessary forms and documents with authorized banks and reporting the borrowing details to the RBI.
4. Exchange Control Regulations: The microfinance company must also adhere to exchange control regulations regarding foreign currency transactions, such as conversion, remittance, and hedging requirements.
Yes, a Section 8 microfinance company in India has the ability to issue equity to a foreign company, subject to compliance with the applicable laws and regulations
However, there are certain considerations and regulatory requirements that need to be taken into account:
1. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Regulations: The issuance of equity to a foreign company falls under the purview of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) and the FDI regulations set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The RBI regulates foreign investments and sets guidelines for inbound equity investments in Indian companies.
2. Sectoral Caps and Approvals: Depending on the sector and activities of the microfinance company, there may be sector-specific caps and regulations governing foreign equity participation. It is important to be aware of any sectoral restrictions or specific approval requirements imposed by the RBI or other regulatory bodies.
3. Reporting and Compliance: The microfinance company is required to comply with reporting and documentation obligations to the RBI and other relevant authorities. This includes filing necessary forms and disclosures related to foreign equity investments and adhering to reporting timelines and compliance requirements.
4. Shareholding Restrictions: The microfinance company must ensure compliance with shareholding restrictions, if any, imposed by regulatory bodies or industry-specific regulations.